The intro to this song is very good. I read through the lyrics as well as listened to this song without them. Therefore I listened three times before I reviewed this song.
The intro, I feel could have hit harder. I love the lyrics, this song's content is fucking beasty as hell. The vocabulary is off the charts (compared to the rest of rap). Either way, I noticed a few things that caught my attention. I loved how the last bar of each verse and chorus is cut off. The echo really adds this.. "personality" to the song itself. It's uniqueness that I've learned to appreciate from the less mainstream rap.
I feel as if this whole song had almost too much delivery. Throughout the song, instead of high adrenaline vocals, I got more of a fake angry appearance. This was mainly from Burly. You had that 'over-aggressive' feeling too, but it wasn't too obvious.
The EQ'ing on this song needs some work, that's what made you guys seem off the mark as far as movement/pace. It's much harder to hear a song as serious when you have someone rapping and it's not fluid with the song itself. I know this just because I'm a 'punk ass whiteboy' who tries to act all tough on tracks. Lol.
The content of this track was phenomenal. The wordplay followed up by the vocabulary truly shined in this track. That's why I gave you an eight. Because no matter how the track itself plays, the meaning of it is very serious. The lyrics have no problem being catchy, unique and a good mixture of punch and multi.
If anything, the only true lacking in this song is delivery. The lyrics seem to fight the song. When you listen, you can hear the forced rhymes and studdered flow. When you listen to rap, you always want a rhymescheme that isn't hard to manage to choke out during the song. When you connect to the listener, he needs to be able to repeat the words easily. If it's hard to spit the rhymes initially, just reword it to fit in the line. I've always done that, and that's why you respect me as a 'punchline rapper' =]]
See, I'm not used to the multi's in songs. The way you made 2 short lines in one bar, or a few syllable phrases. You know I'm not like that. I give you guys mad props for being able to do such thing. Because as you know, I'm way too obvious and elementary to be at that level. So even though I criticize this song, you taught me something at the same time. :D
DeX, the reason I respect you as a rapper more than anything else... is because you can connect without stating shit multiple times. I have to say shit so clearly and obvious that it's annoying. Even now, I feel stupid as fuck... because I have rap friends telling me to 'smarten' up. Some people tell me to 'dumb it down' for the general fan base. I'm known for finding a healthy balance of both, just so I don't get too far above anyone's head. See, that's the strategy that requires the talent you have that I lack. Your multi's tell stories and shit with a few lines. I need a whole verse to get a point across. (Refer to my track: I Love You.) You truly have what it takes. The only thing I'm doing is giving you the criticism the world would give when you came out the gates with your album.
I've already gotten half of this shit from the cats who stepped all over me when I wasn't good. Now that I have respect, no one even wants to step to me. So I'm definitely trying my best to help you in any way I possibly can.
Look DeX, I don't know it all.. I'm just giving you my advice. If you don't agree with anything I say, don't hesitate to ignore it. I'm only telling you that I THINK will help. Lol.
DeX, we need to collab. Get at me man.
If you want to. And thanks for all the advice you've given me.
Putting all the music aside, you're a great ass friend too.
I had to thank you either now or later... so it better off be now.
5'd 4.34 / 5.00 (+ 0.00032) Damn, you have like 1000 votes.